The Ndigo6G-12 ADC offers a 6,4 Gsps sample rate, 12-bit resolution, and a greatly improved readout rate of 5.2 GB/s.
The Ndigo6G-12 is a hybrid ADC/TDC solution for the acquisition of short pulses. This is correct: The unit combines a four-channel transient recorder with a four-channel time interval analyzer. This combination gives the device a wide range of uses. It builds on the established platform of the Ndigo5G-10, but takes it to the next level in both, performance and flexibility.
The Ndigo6G-12 is particularly well-suited for time-of-flight applications (TOF systems) like LIDAR, Time-of-Flight mass spectrometry, in time-resolved single photon counting (TCSPC), time-of-flight based multispectral imaging, fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM), etc. Pulse arrival times can be measured with an accuracy down to 5 ps in combination with information on pulse shape such as area or amplitude.
Four channels with 1600 Msps at 12 bit resolution can be acquired independently. Alternatively, the four channels can be combined into two channels or decreased to a single channel. This way, either a higher temporal resolution up to 6400 Msps or a larger dynamic range can be achieved.
cronologic will support you with drivers for Windows and Linux.

Zero suppression

Configurable DC offset
High dynamic range

Flexible utility functions

Time to Digital Converter