

Ndigo6G-12: Versatile pulse acquisition platform - analog to digital converter

The Ndigo6G-12 ADC offers a 6,4 Gsps sample rate, 12-bit resolution, and a greatly improved readout rate of 5.2 GB/s.

The Ndigo6G-12 is a hybrid ADC/TDC solution for the acquisition of short pulses. This is correct: The unit combines a four-channel transient recorder with a four-channel time interval analyzer. This combination gives the device a wide range of uses. It builds on the established platform of the Ndigo5G-10, but takes it to the next level in both, performance and flexibility.

The Ndigo6G-12 is particularly well-suited for time-of-flight applications (TOF systems) like LIDAR, Time-of-Flight mass spectrometry, in time-resolved single photon counting (TCSPC), time-of-flight based multispectral imaging, fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM), etc. Pulse arrival times can be measured with an accuracy down to 5 ps in combination with information on pulse shape such as area or amplitude.

Four channels with 1600 Msps at 12 bit resolution can be acquired independently. Alternatively, the four channels can be combined into two channels or decreased to a single channel. This way, either a higher temporal resolution up to 6400 Msps or a larger dynamic range can be achieved.

cronologic will support you with drivers for Windows and Linux.

Detect pulses above a certain threshold and only acquire the relevant data to massively reduce the amount of data that needs to be copied and transferred to the host PC.

Zero suppression

Detect pulses above a certain threshold and only acquire the relevant data to massively reduce the amount of data that needs to be copied and transferred to the host PC.
When acquiring unipolar pulses, shift the baseline to the edge of the ADC range to double your dynamic range.

Configurable DC offset

When acquiring unipolar pulses, shift the baseline to the edge of the ADC range to double your dynamic range.

High dynamic range

A multitude of useful details help you to create a highly integrated setup with a minimum of external components. Using the integrated TiGer timing pattern generator can provide digital pulse patterns to control your experiment or internal triggers. Use gate and veto functions with our gating logic. This also works across channels or from the additional digital input with a flexible trigger matrix.

Flexible utility functions

A multitude of useful details help you to create a highly integrated setup with a minimum of external components. Using the integrated TiGer timing pattern generator can provide digital pulse patterns to control your experiment or internal triggers. Use gate and veto functions with our gating logic. This also works across channels or from the additional digital input with a flexible trigger matrix.
The Ndigo6G-12 features four TDC channels that can be used on separate inputs to bring the total channel count up to eight. Or you can connect the same signals to ADC and TDC and detect pulses that are hidden by ADC noise to further improve the dynamic range. This is facilitated by integrated high-end discriminators with adjustable thresholds.

Time to Digital Converter

The Ndigo6G-12 features four TDC channels that can be used on separate inputs to bring the total channel count up to eight. Or you can connect the same signals to ADC and TDC and detect pulses that are hidden by ADC noise to further improve the dynamic range. This is facilitated by integrated high-end discriminators with adjustable thresholds.
The overflow-proof buffers of the Ndigo6G-12 are only limited by the size of your PC's main memory. Data is streamed at a rate of 5.2 GByte/s concurrently with data acquisition. There is no dead time and latency is minimized.

Streaming architecture

The overflow-proof buffers of the Ndigo6G-12 are only limited by the size of your PC's main memory. Data is streamed at a rate of 5.2 GByte/s concurrently with data acquisition. There is no dead time and latency is minimized.


Technical Data

TOF applications
10x LEMO 00
6400 Msps
1600 Msps
12 bits
13 ps
typically 5ns
30 MHits/s total; 11,6 MHits/s
5200 MByte/s
106 d
yes / yes
PCIe3 x8
50 ppb on board or external 10 MHz clock
No items found.

Ndigo Crates

Our Ndigo Crates allow for using up to 8 PCIe-boards with a conventional PC. The external chassis is connected employing a  PCIe2 x16-interface.
PCIe3 x16
8 GByte/s
PCIe3 x16
8 GByte/s
PCIe2 x16
8 GByte/s



(fluorescence-lifetime imaging microscopy)
The decay time of an excited fluorophore is typically in the range of a few nanoseconds. In fluorescence lifetime imaging the exponential decay of a sample is determined requiring a timing resolution in the picosecond regime.


also known as: LIDAR, LiDAR, and LADAR, "light detection and ranging", "laser imaging, detection, and ranging", "3-D laser scanning", "LIDAR mapping", "airborne laser scanning", ALS
LIDAR Systems emit ultraviolet, visible, or near-infrared light to image objects and measuring the time-of-flight (TOF) of reflected photons. Such systems are used for object detection and tracking in many different fields, ranging from archaeology to agriculture, autonomous vehicles and robots etc.


optical time-domain reflectometry, optical time-domain reflectometer, remote fiber testing
In optical time-domain reflectometry the time of the reflections is determined from the reflection loss by measuring from the same end of the fiber how much light returns via the Rayleigh backscatter or is being reflected from individual locations along the fiber.

Quantum Sensing

see also: quantum metrology
Quantum sensing is an overall term that encompasses techniques and methods that use quantum mechanical phenomena to make precise measurements of physical quantities. Thereby, quantum mechanical states and effects are used to improve the measurement accuracy beyond the limits of classical sensors.

TOF mass spectrometry

ToF- & MASS- spectroscopy detectors, TOFMS
In many ToF-MS units cronologic TDCs are used to measure precisely the arrival of single ions. From the arrival time, the ion’s time-of-flight is deduced, from which the mass-to-charge ratio of the detected particle can be determined.

Time Domain Reflectometry

TDR, distance-to-fault, DTF
TDR (Time Domain Reflectometry) is an electronic measurement method that measures reflections along a conductor. It belongs to the category of Distance-to-Fault (DTF) measurements. TDR measurements provide meaningful information about the broadband behavior of transmission systems.

Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry

TOF-SIMS (Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry) is a high-resolution, if required, imaging analysis method for characterizing solid surfaces.

Frequently asked Questions