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current Subject:

export license

What documents are required to apply for an export license?

cronologic answer:

There are countries for which a general export license can be used when exporting dual-use goods.

In this case, we will need documentation from you and there will be no further delay:

These include:

  • Australia
  • Japan
  • Canada
  • Liechtenstein
  • New Zealand
  • Norway
  • Switzerland
  • Singapore
  • USA

As for other countries: To apply for an export license for dual-use goods we need the following documents from you:

  • Exporter declaration
  • Company profile
  • If applicable, an import license (this depends on the country of the importer.)

Please note: We observe international embargoes concerning individual countries, institutions and persons and reserve the right to carry out an export assessment in advance for each individual order, which may delay or prevent the implementation of the delivery.